Wednesday, March 11, 2009


After completing the outline, the next step is the ahading. There are several types of shading. In my opinion, shading and coloring are the most crucial parts of a tattoo. This is the part of a procedure where the largest chance of damage and scarring can occur. If it isn't done correctly, you will fun in to problems such as the skin not excepting the ink, blotching, or excessive skin damage.

Speed will vary by machine and artist. Be careful not to overwork the skin. Work a little bit and wipe, work a little bit and wipe. Every now and then apply another coat of vaseline. Shading is bad when it is uneven or blotchy throughout the tattooed area. Good shading would be nice even color throughout the are.

Next would be a black to gray type shading. This is achieved by lifting slightly as you work away from the darker side.
This effect could also be reached by setting the depth of the needle. Another way would be by diluting the in itself (explained in more detail in Secrets and Tips). With practice it will become easier.

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