Sunday, March 1, 2009


Fading can occur due to a lot of reasons, First, fading can be a result of improper care of a tattoo. Negligence by the customer, who received the tattoo, either by not following the instructions or damage on their part can cause fading. Picking at a tattoo should never be done. An indication that a person has been picking at the tattoo would be large areas of missing ink or indentations, even large holes. This would be a definite sign of picking. Another cause of fading and damage is the sun. The sun is possibly the worst enemy for a new tattoo. If the tattoo is allowed to get sunburned it can harden the pigment in the ink. When this happens you will notice the raising of the skin, if you run your fingers over the tattoo you will feel raised areas. Other reasons for fading could be from using dull or damaged needles, the wrong setting on the power supply, the wrong needle for the size of the area, over working the skin, or perhaps bad ink.


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  2. Intense Pulsed Light Therapy, or IPL, is a dermal enhancer currently being used in some spas. Instead of laser light, it uses high intensity light in pretty much the same manner. A gel is applied to the skin and then a wand is used to emit pulses of light onto the skin area being treated. This method is said to be less painful and more effective than traditional laser therapy, but there are many tattoo removal experts who do not recommend IPL. Even if it does work a little better, the bad news is that it also carries a heftier price tag – one clinic offering a price of $10 per pulse. Depending on how many pulses per session your tattoo requires, this could add up to a significant amount of money.
