Sunday, March 1, 2009


After finishing the final steps of the tattoo, clean the tattoo thoroughly with green soap. Next, spray the tattoo with a little alcohol on the tattoo, this will sting a little bit but it kills a lot of germs. Pat dry the area with a paper towel and apply a coat of antibiotic ointment, you don't need a large amount. Last, apply a non stick gauze pad and securely tape it to the area of the tattoo. Some people may choose to use handi-wrap, which allows the customer to view the tattoo as well as their friends who will be wanting to see the work. Using handi-wrap tends to be cheaper, but cheaper is never better. I recommend you use non-stick gauze. It looks much more professional. Written instructions on how to care for the new tattoo should be gone over word for word by you with the customer. I suggest you have the instructions put on your business cards or printed on a separate sheet of paper.
Instructions should read as follows:

Bandage should remain on tattoo for at least 1-2 hours.
Apply ointment 3-4 times daily to speed healing.
Avoid swimming for 10-12 days.
Keep the tattoo out of the sun, do not allow the tattoo to get sun burnt.
Avoid picking at any scabbing that might occur on the tattoo.
Do not use alcohol, this will dry out the tattoo and cause cracking.
Do not apply any foreign substance, like hand or body lotions, these have chemicals that could affect the tattoo.
Do not use soap on the tattoo.

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